Damaged Lawn Moratorium

The board has agreed to place a temporary moratorium (hold) on
violation notices/fines for lawns that sustained damage from this past summer’s heat wave and drought conditions until Spring 2024. However, this does not negate each homeowner’s responsibility in keeping up with regular lawn maintenance and ensuring that proper care/action is taken in restoring a damaged lawn. By next year your lawn should show signs of recovery. Unfortunately, dead is dead, and this will also show and be irrefutable. This moratorium gives Chimneystone homeowners the opportunity to be proactive.
Please also note, failure to take action and/or do nothing will result in violation
notices up to fines if your lawn does not show signs of recovery that are evident.
You have time, do what you can now to ensure you avoid violation notices/fines
next year.

Below are some articles from the internet that you may find useful:



This is an Austin article, but still relates to Texas:

Please note, adding rye grass seed to damaged spots although not ideal will be

If you have questions, please contact Clinton Seay of Creative Management at

Photo courtesy Houston Public Media/Rob Salinas