Yard of the Month – June

Congratulations to the Reyes family, the Chimneystone Yard of the Month winner!

Luis Reyes shared that he was very surprised to learn that his yard was selected.

“I didn’t know about the Yard of the Month contest, but it’s nice to be recognized for something that I take pride in and love to do. When I got the email, I was surprised.”

Luis can be seen most Saturdays working in the yard. One of his neighbors often teases him about it, “I get up early on Saturdays, have a cup of coffee, and then get started. One of my neighbors calls me a “yardaholic,” and I am often told that I need an intervention!”

In fact, as we were conducting our interview, a neighbor stopped by to congratulate him on the award.

Luis was also delighted to share his backyard with us. It is lovingly maintained as well. Below are highlights from his backyard oasis that include his “pride and joy,” a recently added peach tree.

When we asked Luis what drives him to devote the time and care for his yard, he said, “It’s just something I love to do, and it gives me a sense of pride.”

The Reyes’ yard is the embodiment of hard work, consistent dedication, and it’s evident of the love they have for their home and neighborhood.

We are thankful to residents like Luis, who strive to make Chimneystone a beautiful and welcoming community!
